Welcome to the Clermont County Veterans Service Commission.
Proud to lend a hand when our Veterans need it.
We are an all-Veteran team of professionals working toward the same goal: providing Clermont County’s Veterans with the support they need to not just to survive, but thrive.
This is our mission:
To oversee the operation of the Veterans’ Service Office; to provide emergency financial assistance to veterans, spouses, dependent children and surviving spouses; and as veteran advocates, assist veterans in obtaining earned benefits from the federal, state, and local levels of government.
Here’s our staff. They’ve got your back.

Executive Director

Rodger Young
Senior Veteran Service Officer
Rodger A. Young, MSgt USAF (Ret), Senior Veterans Service Officer
Clermont County VSO since 2008
Served in the U. S. Air Force for 20 years as an Aircraft Mechanic/Production Supervisor. Served on numerous bases including in theater during Persian Gulf and OEF/OIF war. Holds Associates degrees in Aircraft Maintenance Technology and Instructor of Technology from the Community College of the Air Force and specialized in the maintenance of numerous C-130 models. Native of Cincinnati, married with two sons, and has two grandchildren.

Wayne Lung
Senior Veteran Service Officer
Wayne Lung, Senior Veterans Service Officer
Clermont County VSO since 2009
Accredited Service Officer with the DAV, AL, VVA, AV, NACVSO, ODVS, VFW, Served in the U.S. Army, 1985-1989, UNCSF, 11B. Served with distinction within the United Nations Command, protecting dignitaries during the Seoul Olympic Games. As a service-connected disabled Veteran, Wayne has dedicated his life to ensuring that fellow Veterans receive all the benefits they have earned.

Michael Milam
Veteran Service Officer
Michael (Mike) Milam, Veterans Service Officer
Clermont County VSO since 2019
Accredited Service Officer with the DAV, NACVSO, ODVS, and National VFW Since 2014. Served in the U.S. Navy, 1979 – 1985. Aviation Electronics Technician, 2nd Class. Three deployments with Air Anti-Submarine Squadron 28 (VS28) onboard the USS Independence. VFW Past District 4 Commander, Current VFW District 4 Chief of Staff, VFW Post 6069 Quartermaster, current President of VFW District 4, VFW Motorcycle Group, VFW Department of Ohio National Home for Children, Chairman since 2016. DAV Lifetime Member, American Legion member Post 288.

Emily Dillenburger
Veterans Service Officer
Emily Dillenburger, Clermont County Veterans Service Officer
Clermont County Veterans Service Office since 2019
Employed at the Clermont County Veterans Service Office as Receptionist from 2019 to 2022. Served in the US Navy, 2012 – 2014. Rating: Master at Arms. Stationed on Naval Base Guam. Responsible for 316 various caliber weapons, 11,074 rounds of ammunition, and force protection equipment. Provided security for Naval Base Guam including its assets, fuel farms, Naval Piers, Inner and Outer harbors and all military personnel and their families. Member of The American Legion. Spends her free time with family and friends.

Sheila Nause
Office Administrator
Sheila Nause, Office Administrator
Sheila Nause is the Office Administrator for the Clermont County Veterans Service Commission. She comes to the Service Office with years of administrative experience in the private sector. Sheila is a native of Clermont County and has three adult children. She manages and coordinates the daily implementation of the Commission’s policies and mandated duties, balanced with supporting the Staff’s execution of their essential mission – supporting Veterans.
When not working, Sheila enjoys volunteering and spending time with family and friends.
Meet our Veterans Service Commissioners.

Rodney Henry
Member, representing VFW
Read BioRodney Henry, VFW Representative
Clermont County VSO Commissioner since 2021
Served in the U.S. Army 1990-1993. M1A1 armored crewman during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Life member of VFW Post 6770. Current Assistant Department Service Officer for VFW Dept. of Ohio. Current Post Commander for VFW Post 6770. VFW Dept. of Ohio Representative to the Veterans Home in Georgetown, Ohio. He and wife Amber live in New Richmond, Ohio and have one daughter, Shelby.

Thomas Cooper
President, representing American Legion
Read BioThomas (Tom) Cooper, American Legion Representative
Currently serving his second five-year term as a VSO Commissioner
Served in the U.S. Army 1966 –1968, including a year in Vietnam with the 25th Infantry and 4th Infantry Divisions. 44-year career in law enforcement as a State Trooper, Deputy Sheriff and Federal Officer. Life member of DAV, VFW, VVA. Chaplin of American Legion Post 237 and VFW Post 3954. Raised in Owensville, Tom and wife Cathy reside in the Mt. Carmel and have four daughters and nine grandchildren.

Clifford Riley
Secretary, representing VVA
Read BioClifford (Cliff) Riley, VVA Representative
Clermont County VSO Commissioner since 1999
Served two U.S. Army tours in Vietnam, 1966-1969. Veteran’s Advocate since 1969. Received dozens of national and state awards including the Vietnam Veterans of America Presidential Award. Inducted into the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame. Business owner and lifelong resident of Clermont County. Married 50 years to high school sweetheart Elaine Wagner.

Mark Coyle
Member, representing At Large.
Read BioMark Coyle, At Large Representative
Clermont County Commissioner since 2019
Served in the U.S. Navy 1987–1994. Aircraft mechanic aboard the USS John F. Kennedy during Operation Desert Storm. Life member Amvets and American Legion Post 237. A lifelong resident of Clermont County, he’s worked in veteran’s benefits advocacy for the past 23 years. He and wife Aimee live in Amelia, Ohio and have three sons, Nathaniel, Aaron, and Ryan.

Donald Sheppard
Representing DAV
Read BioDonald (Don) Sheppard, Disabled American Veterans Representative
Clermont County VSO Commissioner since 2017
Served in the U.S. Air Force, 1960-1983. Life member of DAV, VFW, VVA and the American Legion. Positions include Past Commander for DAV Chapter 63, Department of Ohio Representative for the Ohio Veterans Home, and Board Member/State Delegate for VVA Chapter 649. Resides in Clermont County, married since 1964, and has two daughters, 5 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.